Friday, May 22, 2020

How To Start | How To Become An Ethical Hacker

Are you tired of reading endless news stories about ethical hacking and not really knowing what that means? Let's change that!
This Post is for the people that:

  • Have No Experience With Cybersecurity (Ethical Hacking)
  • Have Limited Experience.
  • Those That Just Can't Get A Break

OK, let's dive into the post and suggest some ways that you can get ahead in Cybersecurity.
I receive many messages on how to become a hacker. "I'm a beginner in hacking, how should I start?" or "I want to be able to hack my friend's Facebook account" are some of the more frequent queries. Hacking is a skill. And you must remember that if you want to learn hacking solely for the fun of hacking into your friend's Facebook account or email, things will not work out for you. You should decide to learn hacking because of your fascination for technology and your desire to be an expert in computer systems. Its time to change the color of your hat 😀

 I've had my good share of Hats. Black, white or sometimes a blackish shade of grey. The darker it gets, the more fun you have.

If you have no experience don't worry. We ALL had to start somewhere, and we ALL needed help to get where we are today. No one is an island and no one is born with all the necessary skills. Period.OK, so you have zero experience and limited skills…my advice in this instance is that you teach yourself some absolute fundamentals.
Let's get this party started.
  •  What is hacking?
Hacking is identifying weakness and vulnerabilities of some system and gaining access with it.
Hacker gets unauthorized access by targeting system while ethical hacker have an official permission in a lawful and legitimate manner to assess the security posture of a target system(s)

 There's some types of hackers, a bit of "terminology".
White hat — ethical hacker.
Black hat — classical hacker, get unauthorized access.
Grey hat — person who gets unauthorized access but reveals the weaknesses to the company.
Script kiddie — person with no technical skills just used pre-made tools.
Hacktivist — person who hacks for some idea and leaves some messages. For example strike against copyright.
  •  Skills required to become ethical hacker.
  1. Curosity anf exploration
  2. Operating System
  3. Fundamentals of Networking
*Note this sites

Read more

Thursday, May 21, 2020

How To Hack Facebook Messenger Conversation

FACEBOOK Messenger has become an exceptionally popular app across the globe in general. This handy app comes with very interactive and user-friendly features to impress users of all ages.

With that being said, there are a lot of people who are interested in knowing how to hack Facebook Messenger in Singapore, Hong Kong and other places. The requirement to hack Facebook Messenger arises due to various reasons. In this article, we are going to explain how to hack Facebook Messenger with ease.

As you may know, Facebook Messenger offers a large range of features. Compared to the initial release of this app, the latest version shows remarkable improvement. Now, it has a large range of features including group chats, video calls, GIFs, etc. A lot of corporate organizations use Facebook messenger as a mode of communication for their marketing purposes. Now, this messenger app is compatible with chatbots that can handle inquiries.

Why Hack Facebook Messenger in Singapore?

You may be interested in hacking Facebook Messenger in Singapore (or anywhere else) for various reasons. If you suspect that your partner is having an affair, you may want to hack Facebook Messenger. Or, if you need to know what your kids are doing with the messenger, you will need to hack it to have real time access.

You know that both of these situations are pretty justifiable and you intend no unethical act. You shouldn't hack Facebook Messenger of someone doesn't relate to you by any means, such a practice can violate their privacy. Having that in mind, you can read the rest of this article and learn how to hack Facebook Messenger.

How to Hack Someone's Facebook Messenger in Singapore

IncFidelibus is a monitoring application developed by a team of dedicated and experienced professionals. It is a market leader and has a customer base in over 191+ countries. It is very easy to install the app, and it provides monitoring and hacking of Facebook for both iOS and Android mobile devices. You can easily hack into someone's Facebook messenger and read all of their chats and conversations.

Not just reading the chats, you can also see the photo profile of the person they are chatting to, their chat history, their archived conversations, the media shared between them and much more. The best part is that you can do this remotely, without your target having even a hint of it. Can it get any easier than this?

No Rooting or Jailbreaking Required

IncFidelibus allows hacking your target's phone without rooting or jailbreaking it. It ensures the safety of their phone remains intact. You don't need to install any unique rooting tool or attach any rooting device.

Total Web-Based Monitoring

You don't need to use any unique gadget or app to track activity with IncFidelibus. It allows total web-based monitoring. All that you need is a web browser to view the target device's data and online activities.

Spying With IncFidelibus in Singapore

Over ten years of security expertise, with over 570,000 users in about 155+ countries, customer support that can be reached through their website, and 96% customer satisfaction. Need more reasons to trust IncFidelibus?

Stealth Mode

IncFidelibus runs in pure Stealth mode. You can hack and monitor your target's device remotely and without them knowing about it. IncFidelibus runs in the background of your target's device. It uses very less battery power and doesn't slow down your phone.

Hacking Facebook Messenger in Singapore using IncFidelibus

Hacking Facebook Messenger has never been this easy. IncFidelibus is equipped with a lot of advance technology for hacking and monitoring Facebook. Hacking someone's Facebook Messenger is just a few clicks away! 

Track FB Messages in Singapore

With IncFidelibus, you can view your target's private Facebook messages and group chats within a click. This feature also allows you to access the Facebook profile of the people your target has been interacting with. You can also get the media files shared between the two.

Android Keylogger

IncFidelibus is equipped with a powerful keylogger. Using this feature, you can record and then read every key pressed by your target on their device.

This feature can help get the login credentials of your target. You can easily log into someone's Facebook and have access to their Facebook account in a jiffy.

What Else Can IncFidelibus Do For You?

IncFidelibus control panel is equipped with a lot of other monitoring and hacking tools and services, including;

Other Social Media Hacking

Not just FB messenger, but you can also hack someone's Instagram, Viber, Snapchat, WhatsApp hack, SMS conversations, call logs, Web search history, etc.

SIM card tracking

You can also track someone SIM card if someone has lost their device, changed their SIM card. You can get the details of the new number also.

Easy Spying Possible with IncFidelibus

Monitoring someone's phone is not an easy task. IncFidelibus has spent thousands of hours, had sleepless nights, did tons of research, and have given a lot of time and dedication to make it possible.


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John The Ripper

"A powerful, flexible, and fast multi-platform password hash cracker John the Ripper is a fast password cracker, currently available for many flavors of Unix (11 are officially supported, not counting different architectures), DOS, Win32, BeOS, and OpenVMS. Its primary purpose is to detect weak Unix passwords. It supports several crypt(3) password hash types which are most commonly found on various Unix flavors, as well as Kerberos AFS and Windows NT/2000/XP LM hashes. Several other hash types are added with contributed patches. You will want to start with some wordlists, which you can find here or here. " read more...


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AutoNSE - Massive NSE (Nmap Scripting Engine) AutoSploit And AutoScanner

Massive NSE (Nmap Scripting Engine) AutoSploit and AutoScanner. The Nmap Scripting Engine (NSE) is one of Nmap's most powerful and flexible features. It allows users to write (and share) simple scripts (using the Lua programming language ) to automate a wide variety of networking tasks. Those scripts are executed in parallel with the speed and efficiency you expect from Nmap. Users can rely on the growing and diverse set of scripts distributed with Nmap, or write their own to meet custom needs. For more informations

$ git clone
$ cd AutoNSE
$ bash

$ bash

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"MANDIANT Memoryze is free memory forensic software that helps incident responders find evil in live memory. Memoryze can acquire and/or analyze memory images, and on live systems can include the paging file in its analysis." read more...


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Takeover - SubDomain TakeOver Vulnerability Scanner

Sub-domain takeover vulnerability occur when a sub-domain ( is pointing to a service (e.g: GitHub, AWS/S3,..) that has been removed or deleted. This allows an attacker to set up a page on the service that was being used and point their page to that sub-domain. For example, if was pointing to a GitHub page and the user decided to delete their GitHub page, an attacker can now create a GitHub page, add a CNAME file containing, and claim For more information: here

# git clone
# cd takeover
# python
wget -q && python

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Open Sesame (Dlink - CVE-2012-4046)

A couple weeks ago a vulnerability was posted for the dlink DCS-9xx series of cameras. The author of the disclosure found that the setup application that comes with the camera is able to send a specifically crafted request to a camera on the same network and receive its password in plaintext. I figured this was a good chance to do some analysis and figure out exactly how the application carried out this functionality and possibly create a script to pull the password out of a camera.

The basic functionality of the application is as follows:

  • Application sends out a UDP broadcast on port 5978
  • Camera sees the broadcast on port 5978 and inspects the payload – if it sees that the initial part of the payload contains "FF FF FF FF FF FF" it responds (UDP broadcast port 5978) with an encoded payload with its own MAC address
  • Application retrieves the camera's response and creates another UDP broadcast but this time it sets the payload to contain the target camera's MAC address, this encoded value contains the command to send over the password
  • Camera sees the broadcast on port 5978 and checks that it is meant for it by inspecting the MAC address that has been specified in the payload, it responds with an encoded payload that contains its password (base64 encoded)

After spending some time with the application in a debugger I found what looked like it was responsible for the decoding of the encoded values that are passed:

super exciting screen shot.
After spending some time documenting the functionality I came up with the following notes (messy wall of text):

.JGE SHORT 0A729D36; stage1
./MOV EDX,DWORD PTR SS:[LOCAL.2]; set EDX to our 1st stage half decoded buffer
.|MOV ECX,DWORD PTR SS:[LOCAL.4]; set ECX to our current count/offset
.|MOV EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[LOCAL.3]; set EAX to our base64 encoded payload
.|MOVSX EAX,BYTE PTR DS:[EAX]; set EAX to the current value in our base64 payload
.|MOV AL,BYTE PTR DS:[EAX+0A841934]; set EAX/AL to a hardcoded offset of its value table is at 0a841934
.|MOV BYTE PTR DS:[ECX+EDX],AL; ECX = Offset, EDX = start of our half-decoded buffer, write our current byte there
.|INC DWORD PTR SS:[LOCAL.4]; increment our offset/count
.|INC DWORD PTR SS:[LOCAL.3]; increment our base64 buffer to next value
.|MOV EDX,DWORD PTR SS:[LOCAL.4]; set EDX to our counter
.|CMP EDX,DWORD PTR SS:[ARG.2]; compare EDX (counter) to our total size
.\JL SHORT 0A729D13; jump back if we have not finished half decoding our input value
.MOV ECX,DWORD PTR SS:[ARG.3]; Looks like this will point at our decoded buffer
.MOV DWORD PTR SS:[LOCAL.5],ECX; set Arg5 to our decoded destination
.MOV EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[LOCAL.2]; set EAX to our half-decoded buffer
.MOV DWORD PTR SS:[LOCAL.3],EAX; set arg3 to point at our half-decoded buffer
.MOV EDX,DWORD PTR SS:[ARG.4]; ???? 1500 decimal
.MOV DWORD PTR DS:[EDX],ECX; clear out arg4 value
.XOR EAX,EAX; clear out EAX
.MOV DWORD PTR SS:[LOCAL.6],EAX; clear out local.6
./MOV EDX,DWORD PTR SS:[LOCAL.3]; move our current half-decoded dword position into EDX
.|MOV CL,BYTE PTR DS:[EDX]; move our current byte into ECX (CL) (dword[0])
.|SHL ECX,2; shift left 2 dword[0]
.|MOV EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[LOCAL.3]; move our current dword position into EAX
.|MOVSX EDX,BYTE PTR DS:[EAX+1]; move our current dword position + 1 (dword[1]) into EDX
.|SAR EDX,4; shift right 4 dword[1]
.|ADD CL,DL; add (shift left 2 dword[0]) + (shift right 4 dword[1])
.|MOV EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[LOCAL.5]; set EAX to our current decoded buffer position
.|MOV BYTE PTR DS:[EAX],CL; write our decoded (dword[0]) value to or decoded buffer
.|INC DWORD PTR SS:[LOCAL.5]; increment our position in the decoded buffer
.|MOV EDX,DWORD PTR SS:[LOCAL.3]; set EDX to our current dword position
.|MOV CL,BYTE PTR DS:[EDX+1]; set ECX to dword[1]
.|SHL ECX,4; left shift 4 dword[1]
.|MOV EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[LOCAL.3]; set EAX to our current dword position
.|MOVSX EDX,BYTE PTR DS:[EAX+2]; set EDX to dword[2]
.|SAR EDX,2; shift right 2 dword[2]
.|ADD CL,DL; add (left shift 4 dword[1]) + (right shift 2 dword[2])
.|MOV EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[LOCAL.5]; set EAX to our next spot in the decoded buffer
.|MOV BYTE PTR DS:[EAX],CL; write our decoded value into our decoded buffer
.|INC DWORD PTR SS:[LOCAL.5]; move to the next spot in our decoded buffer
.|MOV EDX,DWORD PTR SS:[LOCAL.3]; set EDX to our current half-decoded dword
.|MOV CL,BYTE PTR DS:[EDX+2]; set ECX dword[2]
.|SHL ECX,6; shift left 6 dword[2]
.|MOV EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[LOCAL.3]; set EAX to our current half-decoded dword
.|ADD CL,BYTE PTR DS:[EAX+3]; add dword[2] + dword[3]
.|MOV EDX,DWORD PTR SS:[LOCAL.5]; set EDX to point at our next spot in our decoded buffer
.|MOV BYTE PTR DS:[EDX],CL; write our decoded byte to our decoded buffer
.|INC DWORD PTR SS:[LOCAL.5]; move to the next spot in our decoded buffer
.|ADD DWORD PTR SS:[LOCAL.3],4; increment our encoded buffer to point at our next dword
.|MOV ECX,DWORD PTR SS:[ARG.4]; set ECX to our current offset?
.|ADD DWORD PTR DS:[ECX],3; add 3 to our current offset?
.|ADD DWORD PTR SS:[LOCAL.6],4; add 4 to our byte counter??
.|MOV EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[ARG.2]; move total size into EAX
.|ADD EAX,-4; subtract 4 from total size
.|CMP EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[LOCAL.6]; compare our total bytes to read bytes
.\JG SHORT 0A729D50; jump back if we are not done
.MOV EDX,DWORD PTR SS:[LOCAL.3]; set EDX to our last DWORD of encoded buffer
.MOVSX ECX,BYTE PTR DS:[EDX+3]; set ECX to dword[3] last byte of our half-decoded dword (dword + 3)
.INC ECX; increment the value of dword[3]
.MOV EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[LOCAL.3]; set EAX to our current half-decoded dword
.MOV DL,BYTE PTR DS:[EAX]; set EDX (DL) to dword[0]
.SHL EDX,2; shift left 2 dword[0]
.MOV ECX,DWORD PTR SS:[LOCAL.3]; set ECX to our current encoded dword position
.MOVSX EAX,BYTE PTR DS:[ECX+1]; set EAX to dword[1]
.SAR EAX,4; shift right 4 dword[1]
.ADD DL,AL; add (shifted left 2 dword[0]) + (shifted right 4 dword[1])
.MOV ECX,DWORD PTR SS:[LOCAL.5]; set ECX to point at our next spot in our decoded buffer
.MOV BYTE PTR DS:[ECX],DL; write our decoded value (EDX/DL) to our decoded buffer
.INC DWORD PTR SS:[LOCAL.5]; move to the next spot in our decoded buffer
.MOV EDX,DWORD PTR SS:[LOCAL.3]; set EDX to point at our dword
.MOV AL,BYTE PTR DS:[EDX+1]; set EAX/AL to dword[1]
.SHL EAX,4; shift left 4 dword[1]
.MOV EDX,DWORD PTR SS:[LOCAL.3]; set EDX to our current dword
.MOVSX ECX,BYTE PTR DS:[EDX+2]; set ECX to dword[2]
.SAR ECX,2; shift right 2 dword[2]
.ADD AL,CL; add (shifted left 4 dword[1]) + (shifted right 2 dword[2])
.MOV EDX,DWORD PTR SS:[LOCAL.5]; set EDX to point at our current spot in our decoded buffer
.MOV BYTE PTR DS:[EDX],AL; write our decoded value to the decoded buffer
.INC DWORD PTR SS:[LOCAL.5]; move to the next spot in our decoded buffer
.MOV EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[LOCAL.3]; set EAX to point at our current dword
.MOV CL,BYTE PTR DS:[EAX+2]; set ECX/CL to dword[2]
.SHL ECX,6; shift left 6 dword[2]
.MOV EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[LOCAL.3]; point EAX at our current dword
.ADD CL,BYTE PTR DS:[EAX+3]; add dword[3] + (shifted left 6 dword[2])
.MOV EDX,DWORD PTR SS:[LOCAL.5]; point EDX at our current decoded buffer
.MOV BYTE PTR DS:[EDX],CL; write our decoded value to the decoded buffer
.INC DWORD PTR SS:[LOCAL.5]; increment our deocded buffer
.MOV ECX,DWORD PTR SS:[ARG.4]; set ECX to our current offset?
.ADD DWORD PTR DS:[ECX],3; add 4 for our current byte counter?
.JMP 0A729EA6; jump

Translated into english: the application first uses a lookup table to translate every byte in the input string, to do this it uses the value of the current byte as an offset into the table.  After it is done with "stage1" it traverses the translated input buffer a dword at a time and does some bit shifting and addition to fully decode the value. The following roughly shows the "stage2" routine:
(Dword[0] << 2) + (Dword[1] >> 4) = unencoded byte 1 
(Dword[1] << 4) + (Dword[2] >> 2) = unencoded byte 2 
(Dword[2] << 6) + Dword[3] = unencoded byte 3

I then confirmed that this routine worked on an "encoded" value that went over the wire from the application to the camera. After confirming the encoding scheme worked, I recreated the network transaction the application does with the camera to create a stand alone script that will retrieve the password from a camera that is on the same lan as the "attacker". The script can be found here, thanks to Jason Doyle for the original finding (@jasond0yle ).

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