Sunday, April 12, 2015

Re: Finally, a simple way to get your visitors to stick around longer []

I just wanted to circle back on my email below re: getting visitors to stick around longer with Blogger Related Content Widget.
Across similar size publications / blogs, we're seeing an average increase of 1 minute on site with the addition of our widget.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Subject: Finally, a simple way to get your visitors to stick around longer []
Are you looking for an easy way to get your current visitors to read more of your content and spend more time on your site?
You work so hard to get those visitors to, the last thing you want to do is have them bounce after reading one short post and never return.
What if I told you that there was handy little widget that you could install on your Blogger site and it would make the perfect related content recommendations to your readers and keep them engaged for TWICE the normal time?.
Well… That is exactly what Limk does for you! Here is a quick rundown of what our related content widgets can do for you:
Asynchronous loading — What this means in non-geek speak is our widgets load completely separate from your site so your site's speed is NOT affected.
Continuous optimization — As you get more impressions, the widget will keep improving its calculations on what content of yours will be the most effective to display.
NO external URLs (a.k.a SEO Killers) — We only use internal URLs so you get to keep all of that precious "Link Juice" for yourself!
So what are you waiting for? Click here to learn more… There is absolutely NO risk and you can get started immediately!


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